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Free News Articles Home Family Wholesale Jared McCann Jersey , Parenting and Children Women's Interests Dinner Discussions, a New Website Aimed at Improving Family Communication at Mealtimes, Launches Today Dinner Discussions, a New Website Aimed at Improving Family Communication at Mealtimes, Launches Today Author: Oak Norton
Dateline: Highland, Utah (HIGHLAND Wholesale Jamie McGinn Jersey , Utah) | Thu, 16 Jan 2014

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “The founder of Living Tree software, Mr. Oak Norton, today announced the formal launch of Dinner Discussions, a new web portal that provides families with fun and intellectually stimulating topics to be discussed at the dinner table. Numerous studies over the past ten years have shown that children who eat meals with their families more than three times per week are more likely to succeed in school and less likely to get into trouble.”


Founder of Living Tree software, Mr. Oak Norton Wholesale Mike Hoffman Jersey , today announced the formal launch of Dinner Discussions, a new web portal that provides families with fun and intellectually stimulating topics to be discussed at the dinner table. Numerous studies over the past ten years have shown that children who eat meals with their families more than three times per week are more likely to succeed in school and less likely to get into trouble.

So why don't more families sit down together every night? And why don't things go well when they do make the time and effort?

Oak Norton, a father of five and one of the founders of the site says, "Have you ever had one of those conversations with your kids that goes like this? 'How was your day?' 'Fine.' 'What did you do at school today?' 'Nothing...' After a busy day, no one wants to share what happened at school. Dinner Discussions is a site that gives you something interesting to talk about with your children so you can engage them in meaningful conversations that build relationships and help them open up to you."

A recent test user of the site, Lana Wimmer from Stockholm Wholesale James Reimer Jersey , Sweden says, "I'd like to think I'm a creative person and could come up with fascinating topics all on my own, but at the end of the day I don't have the energy to dream up great topics. DinnerDiscussions does that for me and anything that simplifies my job and gets my kids learning is something I can really recommend."

Dr. Frank Elgar ( https:publications.mcgill.camedenews20130322family-dinners-nourish-good-mental-health-in-adolescents ), whose research at McGill University focuses on social inequalities in health and family influences on child mental health, says that "More frequent family dinners [are] related to fewer emotional and behavioral problems, greater emotional well-being Wholesale Nick Bjugstad Jersey , more trusting and helpful behaviors towards others and higher life satisfaction."

And Dr. William Doherty ( http:abcnews.goHealthParentingfamily-dinners-linked-risky-behavior-teensstory?id=14583590 ), at the University of Minnesota, says that "Family meals are the strongest factor that we've come across in any activity that families do [to reduce risky behavior in teenagers]..." He goes on to say the important thing is to use the family dinner time to focus on communication. "Make it a connecting meal," he said. "It's the quality of the connection. Just try to have a good conversation."

"That's exactly what we're trying to help people do," says Norton. "Improve communication through better dinner conversations." Join Dinner Discussions today to receive conversation table topics aimed at engaging children from preschool through adolescence.

More information: http:www.dinnerdiscussions .


Copyright © 2014 by Oak Norton and Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope® - all rights reserved. Information believed accurate but not guaranteed. Sourced on: freeNewsArticles.

• Web Image (72dpi): https:www.send2pressmediaboom14-0116-dinner-discuss_400x300.jpg

• Media Contact Information: https:www.send2pressmediadrome2014-01-0116-001.txt

• Story Title: Dinner Discussions Wholesale Troy Brouwer Jersey , a New Website Aimed at Improving Family Communication at Mealtimes, Launches Today
• REFERENCE KEYWORDSTERMS: Dinner Discussions, Highland, Utah, family dinnertime, Family Wholesale Jonathan Huberdeau Jersey , Parenting and Children, Women's Interests, Internet, HIGHLAND, Utah.

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USE THIS CONTENT FOR FREE: To use this content in your newspaper, broadcast outlet, news portal, blogezine or similar Wholesale Keith Yandle Jersey , free of cost, CLICK HERE to learn how.

NEWS SOURCE: Oak Norton :: This press release was issued on behalf of the news source (who is solely responsible for its accuracy) by Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope®.
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