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#1 Odesláno : 30. prosince 2019 7:07:23(UTC)

Kategorie: Top class uživatel fóra

Skupiny: Registered
Registrován: 14.5.2019(UTC)
Zpráv: 311

How can you prevent hiring the wrong candidate in your organization?

1. Define the hard?needs of the job including experience required (and in what), knowledge of industry, training and education Patrick Peterson Jersey , consistency of work history, willingness to travel, what they need to be proficient at (like using Excel or driving a truck). A reviewbackground check is mandatory. Information provided needs to be verified. Examples include the candidate s experiences, references Rueben Randle Jersey , education, skills and training. All of this tells us WHAT they can do and whether it matches the requirements of the job.

2. Develop a list of 3-6 key accountabilities (goals) that the employee in this job will be held accountable for accomplishing. Accountabilities are the reason the job exists. They must be measurable. And these key accountabilities should occupy about 80% of the employee s time and focus. (Note: From my work with clients, establishing key accountabilities is the most important pre-hiring activity and the one most often neglected.)

3. Benchmark the job. We find that those companies that effectively benchmark the soft skills required for success in the job have the information they need to look for the right candidate. And the information is objective (helping to eliminate bias). Notice I did not say benchmark your top performers in the job (such as sales). The reason is that your top performers may just be top performers in your company. It is not unusual for a company to benchmark the job and then assess their top performers and find this to be the reality. All is not lost. Two opportunities present themselves:

a. Using the benchmark you can upgrade the talent in the position.

b. Using the benchmark and the reports generated from our assessment reports, you will have great information with which to coach your current top performers into even greater performance.

Also Cheap LSU Tigers Jerseys , using a predetermined benchmark is fine for comparison sake, but it may not be accurate for the specific job you are filling or for succession planning.

4. Assess top candidates versus the benchmark. By using validated, legal assessments designed for use in selection of top candidates, assessing candidates?soft skills is easier today than ever before. You can have the candidate complete assessments via Internet access. And you will often have their reports within minutes.

Soft skills are really important in all jobs?

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