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#1 Odesláno : 16. srpna 2019 9:04:37(UTC)

Kategorie: Nováček fóra

Skupiny: Registered
Registrován: 16.8.2019(UTC)
Zpráv: 1

One of Pandora’s most important assets is their crafting facility in Gemopolis, Thailand where they have over 11,000 employees.pandora jewelry sale The facility allows the company to ensure a constant supply of high-quality jewellery to the market and to scale production of different pieces up or down, depending on demand. Each piece of jewellery gets handled, on average, by 25 employees, highlighting the skilled nature of production. In 2015, Pandora produced around 100 million pieces of jewellery, and to meet future demand the company are creating a new facility in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which will be fully operational in 2017. Choosing to produce the jewellery in Thailand has had a dual advantage. Firstly,pandora sale the cost of labour is a lot lower than in the developed world. Secondly, they have a long-standing tax agreement with Thai authorities that contribute massively to their depressed company-average tax level of 21%. The agreement is done on a facility-by-facility basis and agreed for 8 year periods. The Gemopolis facility has the agreement in place until 2020 and the Chiang Mai facility has the agreement until 2024.pandora ringe sale Management has commented that they would be highly confident of the agreement being extended when the current contracts expire.

Pandora’s product range is diversified but ultimately centred on the charm bracelet that first came to market in 2000. Their classic collection is called Moments and offers a selection of charms and bracelets that let women customise their wrists. Campaigns are an important part of customer retention with a partnership with Disney being the most recent example.pandora schmuck schweiz At the end of 2015 charms and bracelets made up 76% of sales with 312 new charms added to the collection and 170 discontinued throughout the year.

In terms of other products, the Pandora strategy has changed markedly since 2012. In 2010 the belief was that product diversification was going to be central to the growth of Pandora. As such, they launched into most segments, including watches, necklaces and pendants, without being ready for that expansion. The result of this was that those segments had to be discontinued due to poor execution and the strategy changed to focus on one new product at a time.pandora charms sale The first new product of focus was rings in 2013. The operative word here is focus insomuch as rings have been produced by Pandora for many years, however only in 2013 were they the recipient of marketing campaigns, being put prominently in shops and with staff being educated as to how to sell this particular product. As of the end of 2015 rings are over 12% of total revenues. They are currently focusing on earrings which have seen good early traction in 2016 and management have commented that they will see a likely focus on necklaces and pendants in 2018 and 2019.

The Pandora product cycle is an important facet of their business.pandora charms disney They have seven launches each year: Spring, Mother’s Day, High Summer, Pre-Autumn, Autumn, Christmas, and Valentine’s.
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